петак, 19. април 2013.

Interesting: "French paradox"

In 1991, the researcher Serge Renaud speculated that the "French paradox", the apparent contradiction between low cardiovascular mortality among the French and their diet rich in fats and sauces could be explained by their taste for red wine. Since then, epidemiological studies have confirmed his intuition, while basic research has explained why. The beneficial effects of a moderate consumption of red wine (about one to three drinks per day) can be partly attributed to the presence of ethanol and polyphenols in the drink. In moderate doses (less than 30 grams per day), ethanol, which is common to all alcoholic beverages, can act as an anti-atheromatic and platelet anti-aggregant.  Also, polyphenols promote cardiovascular health, and have been shown to possess anti-cancer and anti-aging properties.  

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